Mission Employable | MatterPay

Mission Employable

Erica Bendall
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Mission EmployAble was founded to train young adults with a learning disability to find paid employment. Their aim is to ensure their interns lead purposeful lives as active members of their communities.

With strong community support and an incredible, dedicated team of trainers, trustees and cafe catering team, Mission EmployAble and Chorleywood Cricket Club have built a cafe and cricket pavilion to be staffed by young adults with learning disabilities. MatterPay has been crucial in achieving the first major hurdle: raising funds for the building and equipment.

The challenge: Raise over £2M in just 4 years

Raising 2.2 million pounds is no simple feat. Mission EmployAble and Chorleywood Cricket Club have explored many avenues to achieve this. Through grants, personal & corporate donations and fundraising events, Mission EmployAble and the Cricket Club have achieved their goal. The pavilion was completed in October 2022.

MatterPay has underpinned the fundraising efforts for events, and personal challenges along with the fundraising for the willow tree installation, in which donors’ names are displayed on the artwork in the cafe.


Hosting over 26 events on MatterPay and raising over £50k, Mission EmployAble has made fundraising events a key part of its journey to making an impact in the community.

Dedicated support and success in troubled times

Mission EmployAble kick-started its fundraising events around January 2020, a notoriously difficult time to start scheduling events throughout the next 2 years. With COVID-19 effectively prohibiting all physical events, MatterPay worked closely with Mission EmployAble to support refunds to customers, or to rearrange events to online meetings and webinars.

MatterPay made everything so clear and helped us migrate our events to video calls, building a whole new integration before we ran our first online event. Our attendees joined our online events with almost no problems and we were able to continue fundraising.

In the space of a few weeks, MatterPay supported Mission EmployAble and all other customers to integrate their events directly into Zoom and other platforms so that customers can instantly join video calls right from their tickets.

The support is second to none and they build solutions into the system as our needs change, often in the space of days! They’re really invested in our success.

Space to focus on your goals

Mission EmployAble are truly able to focus on maximising its fundraising, putting on amazing events and investing time into its cause to help lead young adults to purposeful lives as active members of their communities. MatterPay takes care of the rest, handling payments, automated ticketing, collecting important customer details and simplifying our accounting process with dedicated reporting.

MatterPay was the clear winner for us and we’re confident they will serve us long into the future. Give them a call and see for yourself.

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